Incase you haven’t noticed yet, I can be a bit of a procrastinator. It could be that I like having a little bit of a deadline to meet, or that my life is full of being a mom and the many hats that entails wearing. This last month has been full of unexpected emergencies whether it be computer trouble, stomach illness, or even the dreaded baby-who-won’t-sleep-ever-atosis. September-October has been a full month. I apologize for the tardiness of this post. I was seriously down and out last week with an epic stomach bug.
This month’s post is all about how my children are thrill seekers. Whether driving or flying these two princesses know how to have fun. The flower is following right in the gemstones footsteps in loving to swing. It is hard to get her out of the swing and more than easy to put her in. The gemstone is following in my footsteps in loving being a mommy (even if it is just to a baby doll). She also adores to help me garden. We didn’t use our whole garden this year, but grew some wonderful asparagus, strawberries, onions, tomatoes, chives, cilantro, and cucumbers. I honestly think that organic food tastes better. I’m not sure if it is that is has to be fresher (it’ll go bad much quicker than non-organic foods in the store), the variety of seeds used, or the types of pesticides sprayed. There could be a million reasons why to me it tastes different, but this garden has not only helped us teach a little bit about being self sufficient to our children but keep my grocery bills more reasonable. It is purely a hobby but one I’d gladly do again and again. It’s fun to watch something grow!
A sizable proportion of this fall’s full grown harvest belonged to cucumbers we intended to turn into pickles. I’ve never fermented anything but after hearing an NPR podcast on the subject of fermentation – my interest was piqued. Our first time at fermenting cucumbers was reminiscent of crashing off a surfboard into the saltiest ocean (with a hint of dill and coriander) you could imagine. I’m not sure where I went wrong in the recipe, but if you happen to like salty pickles just let me know and I have a tasty little jar for you! We have yet to try our hand at it again (but I should I have a bucket of cucumbers in the fridge!). I can’t tell if I am hesitant due to the time it takes to shell the garlic or for fear I’ll spend another two weeks waiting and seek yet another learning experience. Wish us luck!
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