You talked, I listened.

February 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

The dewey scent of flower bouquets and the pop of champagne are just a few of the scents and sounds that have been on my mind of late.  During my down time from two little ones I have been revamping my website, blog, and wedding packages!  The upside of this is there is always a party going on in my head!

During 2013, I worked diligently to build my wedding portfolio and expertise in order to bring you the best wedding photography possible.  I photographed ceremonies in low lit balconies, in churches, under trees, in parks, rode on boats, indoor and outdoor receptions, had sunny days, rainy days and the like.  With my new experience and knowledge in mind, a few months ago I rolled out the RJA Custom Wedding Package.  Brides and grooms choose everything from which album to how much photography coverage you prefer.  After I rolled this out, you let me know through overwhelmed eyes and unsure sighs that these were not the decisions you wanted to make during the booking process.  You wanted an even looser and more customizeable package and I listened.  Instead of five catergories to build from – you now only have three.  Three easy guided decisions to get the photography you want in the budget you need without deciding the details that you might not know for months.

Take a moment and check out the Red Jasper Artistry Custom Photography Wedding Client Guide Magazine.  Not only will you learn how to build your own package, you’ll find out what people are saying about RJA and some great tips for planning your big day!


2014 RJA Custom Weddings Magazine

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If you are interested in booking a wedding consultation send me a note!

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The latest images hot off of the PLP editing screen.  


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