11-on-11 JULY – sparks fly!

July 16, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

It seems life and time are speeding past me faster than I can light off a firework (we didn’t even light off any fireworks this year – travesty!).  My baby is a bonafide crawler and my pre-schooler starts school in a month!  This June-July we spent quite a bit of time traveling.  We flew to Pensacola, FL where we spent a week on the beach and another few days with my parents and brothers visiting.  The flower did better than I expected traveling at such a young age and the gemstone didn’t want to leave (she adores her cousin and family).  We spent quite a bit of time at the beach, in the condo pool, perused the National Naval Aviation Museum, saw the Blue Angels practice, and toured the amazing history at Fort Pickens.  I am bound and determined to go back to Fort Pickens and get a family portrait shoot for myself (and then shoot some portraits for others!).  It is gorgeous.  I was in love and in awe of the amazing brick work, beautiful natural deterioration of the stucco, breathtaking morning light, and all over beauty of the place.  Just watch out for the biting ants! – I seriously looked like I was dancing on hot coals try to pause to look at anything.  Next time I’ll forgo the flip-flops for ant protective shoes.

This month’s 11-on-11 contains everything from interactive moments at the Aviation Museum, touring the amazing Fort Pickens, the Gemstone playing with her beloved Poppy, and lots of the flower scooting wherever she wants to go.   Enjoy!

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For more inspiring images take a gander through my child and  family portrait galleries!

Interested in having me capture those special moments of your little one?  Send me a note!

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The latest images hot off of the PLP editing screen.  


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