Simply Us - The Beginning of Lifestyle Sessions

March 04, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Sometimes you have to look back to look forward.  Admire where you were to truly see the journey of where you are now.  To start, when I changed the name of my business to Petal Lens Photography, I did it because I could.  I was moving 5 hours away and was not a nationally acclaimed photographer.  My brand wasn't permanent at the time and I had grown as a person where I wanted a name that reflected the type of business I now wanted to run.  Instead of a name I could umbrella many types of art under, I wanted to showcase my photography and loving sense of looking on the rosy side of life.

A few years ago when we moved to Michigan, it was during an immensely emotional time during my life.  My mother transitioned to a soul level being from human form after living through the trials of liver failure.  This all happened during the time when my husband was taking a job six hours from our then Illinois home to be closer to family. We were literally driving to my inlays to live temporarily a week later.  Talk about transitions!  When we arrived in the mitten we did a mad scramble to find a house in the coveted city of Ann Arbor (this is another blog post - why I love Ann Arbor so much) and ended up purchasing a substantially work involved fixer upper.  Then the husband's new job went from 40 hours a week to well over 65 hours a week and counting  for weeks on end.    This was the beginning of my photography waffling.  It's hard being the default parent and allowing yourself to start your career completely over in a new to you market.  BUT - during this transition I had one thing on my mind photography wise.  I wanted to grow in my art and move away from highly posed portraits and into documentary type sessions that would showcase the lifestyles of my clients.  Waffles are delicious breakfast treats, so I allowed myself this time to divulge, and then flip sides and see the golden tan of the other side.  

Then I met Ms. J at my daughter's preschool.  She is a fierce momma warrior who has surprised and wowed me with her tenacity, vigor, intellect, caring, empathy, thoughtfulness, and patience.  I've learned so much from her through the years and am so glad to call her my friend. Ms. immediately saw my photography and urged me to use my skill, even part time.  She helped me hone my documentary skill by suggesting me for a job documenting how grants for Ann Arbor Public Schools from an educational foundation were being used.  It was true enjoyment to work in schools and photography everything from kids getting adaptive devices, greenhouses, library books, classroom books, digital cameras to film performances, mats for gym class, and so much more.   So naturally when I wanted to step outside of my posed portrait box, I asked Ms. J to let me practice this new on her.  So we planned a  Saturday morning chock full with typical J family activities for me to follow along and document.  I even got out my own bike and pedaled along capturing memories.

Why am I showing you this now?  After I just showed you the latest session with whopping cool images?  Simply, before and afters are truly a lot of fun and I get to fill you in on the last three years I have been on blog hiatus.  From a photographer perspective, the SO family session from a few days ago was much easier to build.  I'm now more adept at asking people how to move about the room, or try sitting in another position fro optimal lighting.  It's also getting easier to tactfully move a session along that isn't provoking a lot of emotion, or how to introduce a well timed joke to get an authentic smile.  I'm more patient and working on being much less anxious (even if you never see it).

Enjoy the J fam, and I urge you, photos or not, take a page from their book.  Plan family activities together.  Bike ride together - it's so much fun!  And visit the library together.  Ann Arbor has amazing district libraries worthy or many afternoons of exploring, if you're not in Ann Arbor, still go!  Books are great!  


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The latest images hot off of the PLP editing screen.  


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